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Kimmel Harding Nelson Center Residency Program
The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts in Nebraska City, NE offers 2- to 8-week residencies year-round for writers, visual artists, and music composers. Housing, studio space, $100/week stipend are provided. Approximately 50 residencies are awarded per year. Two deadlines each year: postmarked March 1 for the following July through December 15; postmarked September 1 for the following January through June 15. $25 application fee. See website for complete information, guidelines and application: The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts, 801 3rd Corso, Nebraska City, Nebraska 68410. 402-874-9600, --Visual artists work in one of three studios, two of which are approximately 425 square feet and one that is 258 square feet.
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