Please print and read these Terms of Service as it contains important information about our service. Use of the ArtQuest site constitutes your acceptance of our Terms of Service. As the Internet and our site develops over time, these Terms of Service may change. We encourage you to return to see if there have been any changes to our privacy policy and/or Terms of Service. You might also wish to read a copy of our detailed Terms of Service.

While ArtQuest provides information to anyone in the world, we retain copyright on all text and graphic images located at our site. Members also retain copyright on all text and the graphic images on artwork they list for sale.

This means that you MAY: store or print a single copy of a document or any part of a document published by ArtQuest for personal use, to send to a client to aid in a sale of an artwork, or for routing to people in your office, provided that ArtQuest's copyright notice (this page), and World Wide Web address (http://www.artquest.com) are prominently included on the copy. You may also direct people to ArtQuest (http://www.artquest.com) in order to download their own personal copy. If you wish to make more than a single copy or use any text and/or images or any documents or any portions of any documents published by ArtQuest for commercial use, you must obtain permission first. You may however, copy our small logo and advertising banners to place on your own home pages with a direct link back to ArtQuest.

This means you MAY NOT: "mirror" our site or include information on your own site or server or use any documents or modify and/or re-use any text or graphics on this site in any form without our express written permission.

The ArtQuest logo and name are registered trademarks of ArtQuest. Product and service names that may be profiled herein are trademarks and service marks of ArtQuest or of others which ArtQuest has profiled herein. Copyright 1996-2025 ArtQuest Inc. ArtQuest reserves all other rights.

In other words, we'd love for you to have a copy of an image or document to aid the sale of an artwork, just don't change it or try to use it for commercial purposes without obtaining permission first. 

About Copyrights

Credit and Documentation of Image

You may freely distribute any and all files if you follow a few simple guidelines:

  • Keep the file in its original state (filename and format). Do not alter the image unless permission is explicitly given to the contrary.
  • Include the ArtQuest Listings full information file with the image.
  • Include a copy of this Copyright Notice page. 


If you want to use any of the images or documents you find at ArtQuest, for publications, advertisements or software, you'll have to obtain permission and adhere to the stipulations of the permission (such as a free copy of the publication, full address credit or royalties to the artist). If permission isn't explicitly given, then you'll have to contact the artist, estate or owner to ask for it.


The ArtQuest service distributes original image files to the public. It's possible, as with any form of mass-media, that someone could unscrupulously use these images for financial gain. Unless you've received permission for that, it's illegal and ArtQuest takes no responsibility for this type of action. In simple terms, all rights revert to the author/artist/member. To submit an image at ArtQuest is to give permission for it to be viewed, copied and distributed electronically. If you don't want your images distributed, don't upload or send them for scanning. To submit an image at ArtQuest is NOT giving permission to have it used in any publication or broadcast for profit (this includes, but is not limited to, magazines, newsletters, clip-art software, screen-printed clothing, etc.). You must give/get specific permission for this sort of usage. ArtQuest takes no responsibility for the authenticity of any art listed on the service and highly recommends referring to an expert or consultant for guidance in your acquisitions. The information, text, graphics, and links provided herein are provided by ArtQuest, as a convenience to its customers. ArtQuest does not warrant the accuracy, or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links, and other items contained on this server or any other server. We provide links as a matter of convenience, and we do not necessarily endorse the links you may find on our service. ArtQuest reserves the right to review and/or edit all listings/submissions and only use those that are consistent with the theme and goals of ArtQuest. All submissions shall be deemed to be non-confidential and ArtQuest shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such information and shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute the information to others without limitation.

Copyright Infringement

ArtQuest Inc., respects the intellectual property rights of others and as part of our service, expects our members and visitors to do the same.

It is our policy in certain circumstances and at our discretion, to disable or terminate an account of a member who infringes on the copyrights or intellectual property rights of others.

In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, the text of which can be found on the U.S. Copyright website at http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf, ArtQuest will respond as quickly as possible to claims of copyright infringement committed using our website that are reported to us and identified using the sample notice below:

DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement ("Notice")

  1. Identify the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed, or - if multiple copyrighted works are covered by this Notice - you may provide a representative list of the copyrighted works that you claim have been infringed.
  2. Identify (i) the material that you claim is infringing (or to be the subject of infringing activity) and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material, including at a minimum, if applicable, the URL of the link shown on the Site where such material may be found, and (ii) the reference or link, to the material or activity that you claim to be infringing, that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate that reference or link, including at a minimum, if applicable, the URL of the link shown on the Site where such reference or link may be found.
  3. Provide your mailing address, telephone number, and, if available, email address.
  4. Include both of the following statements in the body of the Notice:

    "I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material or reference or link to such material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use)."

    "I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed."

  5. Provide your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature.

Deliver this Notice, with all items completed, to ArtQuest at:

ArtQuest Inc.
Attention: Copyright Dept.
PO Box 27
Hawk Point, MO 63349