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Abstract Pen Drawings
As someone wrote in my guestbook: "Your drawings are Weird. I like them". I found it a compliment, being Weird with a capital W :)
Botanical and Portrait Art - Hilary James
Gallery of phantom images.
Panfilov, Sergey. Author's drawings executed by felt-tip pens and markers. Explanations of a graphic method are given.
Graphite Sketches of The Beatles
Amazingly detailed, incredible real-to-life graphite pencil sketch drawings of The Beatles, photo quality, fine art originals, giclée and custom prints of The Beatles and other celebrities from PariSketch.
Original Abstract and Surreal Drawings and Prints
My Art works are mostly drawings, made in various techniques - pastel, pencil, watercolor, ink and mixed media (collage, ink, all kind of textures, etc). I'm also highly specialized at printmaking. I do work in the following print techniques - lithograph, linocut, mezzotint, drypoint, etching, etc.
Through The Eyes Of John Baselmans
A website with a lot of information about art. I show you a unique technique what is a combination of; Pastel - color/black pencil - Pen and Ink. You see drawings of Nature, Portraits, Cats Dogs, Buildings and other interesting objects. The site is daily updated! Have a great time!
Wildlife Pen and Ink Drawings
Pen and ink drawings of wildlife including bald eagle, deer, bighorn sheep, and a red fox. These drawings were created from photographs also available on our website.
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