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Carmeli Varda - Contemporary Mixed Media artist
Art works related to three exhibitions that were exposed in Israel: "Bond of Land", "Close to Earth Close to Heaven" and "Actual Barriers". All works are mixed media on canvas.
Cindy Couling - Mixed Media Artist
Artist's portfolio, including whimsical children's book illustration, artist trading cards (ATC/ACEO), mixed media, visual journals, block prints, altered books, ceramics and techniques.
Dolores Valenza, Figural Painter, Sculptor.
Multi-media Artist. Gallery of Figural Paintings, Sculptures, Porcelain, Fine Jewelry Design and Fabrication. Valenza's love of color is apparent regardless of media used. Her work carries a distinct fingerprint. Working in a representational, realistic style, she also works in what appears to be an Abstractionism. The subject is approached in the same manner.
Jan Sitts Studio - The Artist - Sedona Arizona
Experimental art is the process of putting together materials on the various surfaces while responding to the outcome as an idea added through layered papers, various mediums, and textures.
Peter Towse: Painting and mixed media artwork
Official web site of the artist Peter Towse displaying artwork for sale from the artist recent collections of paintings and mixed media works.
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