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Elizabeth and Jorn Bronze Sculpture
Cast bronze figurative and mythological sculptures by the Irish/Danish artists Elizabeth and Jorn.Living in Hua Hin,Thailand for the past seven years and working together for twelve years their artistic collaboration is based upon shared inspiration and similar aesthetic ideas . Inspiration for their work comes from things as diverse as mythological beings ,ancient artistic artifacts and of course the world around them.Cast in bronze the final sculpture is either coloured with a patina or gilded with gold or silver. Many of their pieces seem to capture the enduring attraction of antiquities that have been caressed by time.They are all limited editions signed and numbered .
Figurative Artist Conall McCabe
Figure Drawings by Tom Richardson
Recent portraits and life drawings in pencil and ink. There is a page of examples of my work as a scenic artist in the film industry, and a page of links.
Gallery of Figurative Paintings and Drawings
Gallery of Modern Figurative Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Aleksander Balos
Ian Darragh - paintings, drawings and prints
Memorial website for the late painter, Ian Darragh containing about 1500 images including a theme-based gallery and an archive of his complete works as known.
Intro EDG Fine Art
An introduction to the fine art figurative oil paintings of Dutch portrait artist Helena de Groot.
Life Forms
Marc Dalessio
Online Gallery of Portraitist and Landscape painter Marc Dalessio.
Painting and Drawing - Mireille Turcot
I invite you to share with me, through my painting (oil, acrylic, collage and watercolor), a few moments of simple emotion. From Africa to animals passing by still life, portrait and landscape, my painting goes from representational to abstraction without stopping.
Patricia Buckley Paintings
I am a figurative and imaginative artist. I have shown many times at the Royal Academy Summer exhibition London and many other exhibitions. I enjoy doing landscapes,window views,portraits and imaginative work.
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