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Art Glass Studio - Bandon Glass Art
Bandon Glass Art Studio - artistic glass blowing, hand blown glass vases, art glass perfume bottles, paperweights, glass gifts and more. Located in Bandon Oregon.
Contemporary glass design studio
We are an experimental, glass design studio in Melbourne Australia- creating sculptural , architectural and functional glass objects, utilizing printing casting curving painting etc. in conjunction with wide range of other materials.
Contemporary Hand Blown Art Glass
CT glass artist creates exquisite Hand Blown Art Glass Vessels, Wall Sculptures, Chandeliers, Dining Room Tables, Glass Furniture, Lighting. Custom design work available.
glass and stained glass decorative objects
glass and stained glass decorative objects by New York award winning team
Ivo Lill Glass
Gallery of glass sculptures and objects made by Estonian glass artist Ivo Lill in cold technology.
Murano Glass
Certified handmade and authentic Murano glass from Italian glass artists. Discover a fine selection of exclusive glass vases, bowls, glassware, glass sculpture.
Roger Gandelman Art Glass
Stained glass decorative objects and Glass
glass and stained glass decorative objects by New York award winning team
Stained Glass Photography
A definitive resource for anyone interested in fine vintage stained glass windows. Beautiful photographs of fine stained glass by makers such as Tiffany, Morris, Burne-Jones, Holiday, La Farge and many others. Also includes a useful links section with references to complimentary online resources.
Stargazer Studio creative designs in art glass
Please visit our on-line gallery of stained glass windows and panels. Currently featuring affordable gift items and beveled glass home accents. See how you can enhance your world with sparkling glass.
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