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Csquared Ceramics
Cindy Chiuchiolo carves traditional clay forms, transforming them into metaphor. She peels away clay like the surface of the earth to find what lies beneath. She is also a writer.
Gales Antiques for Collectible Ceramics
Online selection of collectible china like Carlton Ware, Clarice Cliff, Royal Albert, Chintz, Susie Cooper, Charlotte Rhead, Wedgwood Crown Derby, Moorcroft, Belleek, Crown Devon, Poole, Maling, Shelley plus many others
Jerusalem Pottery - Armenian ceramic tiles
A centuries old Armenian ceramic art flourishes in Jerusalem through the work of the Karakashian family, who makes traditional hand painted tiles with peacocks, gazelles, flowers and other subjects.
KC Pottery - Hand Thrown Reduction Fired Stoneware
KC Pottery offers hand thrown ceramics which capture the unique beauty of reduction fired stoneware. Have you been looking for the perfect functional handmade dinnerware set or searching for pine cone pattern kitchenware? Our handmade ceramic stoneware pottery is just what you need. We offer a wide variety of functional and decorative pieces including vases, vessel sinks, dishware, coffee mugs, serving bowls, oil and vinegar cruets, honey pots, casserole dishes, wine chillers, wine goblets, wild rice crocks, chip and dip platters, and much more! All of our pottery is hand made in northern Minnesota.
Pueblo Pottery in Maine
Pueblo Pottery In Maine is an Internet gallery providing quality, traditional and contemporary, Native American pueblo pottery from the Southwest at wholesale prices to collectors, galleries, and fine shops throughout North America and Europe.
Seagrapes Studio
Functional handmade pottery along with watercolor paintings and prints and fused glass jewelry.
Tre Sorelle Home Designs-Gorgeous Hand-Painted Art
Gorgeous Hand-Painted Tile Murals, Fine Art, Home Accessories, and Tableware
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