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Adirondack Rustic Design
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Handmade Adirondack rustic, hickory and leather furniture. Custom hardwood Rocking Chairs for adults & children. Driftwood, Sculpture, Original Paintings, Antiques and Collectibles and Adirondack Packbaskets. On-Line shopping. Toll free orderline Visa and Mastercard accepted.
Antique Accents
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Browse a unique collection of antiques, china and porcelain, silver and metalware, vintage items, jewelry and textiles, crystal and glassware, along with a varied selection of collectibles including limited edition artist dolls and bears.
Antique Alive
Antique clocks, fine horology and collection
Category: Antiques & Furniture
antique clocks, sale, restoration by a Swiss clockmaker. wall clocks, mantel clocks, bracket and carriage clock, fine antique clocks and longcase, equipment, example of restoration work. anecdotes in horology. collection. Antique clocks - Pendulantic
Antiques Antwerp
Category: Antiques & Furniture
We give you a good idea of the world of antiques in Antwerp,Belgium.This website contains a huge directory of all art and antique dealers.Besides this you will find a list of auction houses,great links, touristic information,..
Art Woodstone Studio - Fine art & fine furniture
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Fine art & fine furniture. Custom 3D furniture design. AWS artists produce art varying from 2D paintings, collages, and glass etchings to textile works, 3D sculptures, and fine furniture. In AWS you can find original art as well as custom works. AWS can fit any need in any medium to suit the specific requirements for each commission.
Furniture of John Hein
Category: Antiques & Furniture
John Hein designs and builds elegantly restrained hardwood furniture with a purity of form that emphasizes the aesthetic qualities of the materials. A traditional respect for nature combined with a contemporary structure result in fluid, spare pieces of furniture in which the intrinsic quality of precious woods and their grains are allowed to stand out.
Great Southwest Furniture Design, Inc.
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Southwest Furniture - Custom builders and designers of Southwestern furniture in the old Santa Fe style plus Western and Southwestern decor.
I.A.Keer - The Art of Furniture
Category: Antiques & Furniture
The Art of Furniture - - limited edition furnishings: Fantasy is at the core of this award winning studio-art furniture collection. Here you will discover fresh spirited design, hand crafted in creative styles and themes to excite your imagination. This collection of functional art includes: Mirrors, tables, chairs and custom commisions.
Martin Antiques & Fine Art
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Offering American paintings. Specializing in Rhode Island, Fall River, and Boston schools, c1860-1940. Also, antique furniture, scarce art nouveau lithographs, vintage prints, cut glass, antique smalls, books.
Ozfairs is the largest Australian On-line fair
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Ozfairs offers Australian Antiques, craft and modern art as well as a wealth of information about Auctions, events and usefull resources within Australia.
South Korean Folk Art Masters
Category: Antiques & Furniture
South Korean folk art masters. Master potter, wood sculptor, carpenter, artist of decorative knotting, bamboo blinds, craftsman of jade sculpture, metal art work, bamboo basket, paper folding fan, feng shui compass.
Tri-State Antiques: Period to Mid-Century Modern
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Our extensive online gallery features antiques & collectibles from period furniture to mid-century modern designer pieces. Dozens of departments with hundreds of pictures featuring Fiesta, Roseville Pottery, Porcelain Dolls, Toys, Furniture, Clocks, and much more!
Wood Carving Gifts - Garden Decor Wholesaler
Category: Antiques & Furniture
Direct importer wholesale Indonesian arts and crafts, furnitures, home decor, garden accessories, unique gift items, primitive carvings, antiques and collectibles. We also carry jewelry, sarong and men / women clothing.
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