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Chris Dixon Studios
Chris Dixon Studios Gallery of Fine Art - Affordable Chris Dixon fine art sculptures, paintings and reproductions. Editions of wildlife, endangered, and nautical. We have Beautiful art of naturally realistic detail since 1976 with gallery, information and links.
Desert Night Creations - Fine Equine art & gifts
Desert Night Creations offers Original Equine art and prints as well as 1/8th life size scale (doll house sized) tack! A perfect unique gift for the horse lover in your life!
Inspired by the Beauty of Nature - Collin Bogle Fine Art
Realistic wildlife, floral and people prints, originals and commissions. Medium: acrylic, colored pencils, and pastels. Subjects include: wolf, bear, eagle, bird, lion, animal, cougar, dear, rose, flower, iris, lily, bouquet, arrangement, woman, children, portrait ect.
Latham Studios - Realistic wildlife & nature art
Realistic wildlife and nature paintings by Karen & Rebecca Latham. Original artwork and limited edition lithographic prints.
Nicolette Green Original African Wildlife Art
View this talented South African Artist's work, original Aquarelle, Oils and Pastel.
Photography and Drawings of Wildlife
Wildlife and nature images from the San Juan Islands. We offer photographs of bald eagles, killer whales, black-tailed deer, red foxes, in addition to some landscape images. Pen and ink drawings of some of these pictures are also offered.
Wildlife Artist Akvile Lawrence
Akvile is a wildlife artist who gets the inspiration for her paintings from the beautiful countryside and wildlife of Sweden, Canada and Great Brtitain. Akvile paints in a realistic, highly detailed style, paying particular attention to colour and shadow.
Wildlife Photos Online
Our wildlife and landscape photography is sold as canvas prints or as a poster print. All of our canvas and poster printing is done in house using high quality print processing. Our photos of animals, sea life, birds, landscapes, nature and sea coral are all produced individually to order with your precise size requirements, they are never mass produced. We want you to enjoy your purchase for years to come exactly as you require it.
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