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A Gallery of Watercolors by Laura Chirillo
Laura Chirillo specializes in traditional style watercolor paintings which include florals, cityscapes, landscapes, and seascapes. Her works include landmarks throughout Europe and the Washington, D.C. area. Ms. Chirillo's art is perfect for home or office.
Andre Mehu Aquarelle
Watercolor paintings by Andre Mehu.This website is Andre Mehu's virtual gallery where are exhibited seascapes, landscapes , flowers and animals.
Birgit O'Connor-Watercolors
Birgit watercolors have won international awards and has been in numerous publications.Large bold florals to small misty landscapes. Portfolio, instructional videos, gallery, links.
Contemporary Botanic Art
Meticulous botanical watercolours presented in a contemporary style using space on the page and layout as a carefully considered design element.
EJM Studios Watercolors & Prints
Original watercolor paintings, prints & note cards from North Carolina artist, Elizabeth McRorie.
Fountain Studio Graphics Gallery & Learning Ctr
Virtual Gallery focusing on southwest landscape and still life watermedia paintings, plus watercolor tips, demos and lessons by Ellen Fountain, NWS
M.E. Whitehill-Watercolors
landscapes, florals, historic buildings of the Hudson Valley. Notecards. Giclee Prints. Commissions accepted
Marilynn Thomas Watercolors
Detailed realistic watercolors of flowers and water scenes
Preston Steed Watercolors
Realim in watercolor, subjects include landscape, floral and rural.
I am a Dublin Watercolourist. I specialize in watercolour paintings, which take their themes and titles from the wanderings and writings of James Joyce, Samuel Beckett and other Literary and Historical personalities. This has come from a lifelong interest in attempting to interpret in paintings what Joyce et al. so eloquently wrote about our native city, Dublin. I call my collection “A Stroll Thro’ Ulysses” and “The River Gods of Ireland.” New, unique and creative ideas are constantly being added.
Sal Contreras Watercolors - Bradford Gallery
Trillium Studio
Journey through the watercolor world of Diana Miller-Pierce and Trillium Studio!
Watercolor-Birgit O'Connor
Watercolor, portfoilo, gallery, links, instructional watercolor videos.
Watercolour paintings of Joe Cartwright
Yoju's Studio presents Watercolors by Yoju
A unique blend of Oriental and Western style with eclectic combinations of China ink, gouache, suminagashi, pastel, pencil, crayon, and collage. Landscapes, abstractions, still lifes, celestial objects, Buddhist images, portraits and domestic c
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