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Abstract artist - Van Renselar
Online gallery showcasing the work of Van Renselar. You can view and buy modern abstract art for your home, office, restaurant, hotel, corporate premises and galleries.
Abstract Paintings & Inspirational Art by Cianelli
Original contemporary abstract paintings, landscape paintings, and inspirational paintings. Colorful, uplifting abstract acrylic paintings for inspiration and positive energy. Original paintings for sale from the artist's studio.
Abstract paintings and sculpture by Mirko Cavalli
Abstract paintings,abstract expressionism,wood sculpture,of Mirko Cavalli,italian artist. For sale,oil,acrylic paintings,sculpture.
Art of Your Mind - abstract art by N. J. Strother
This site features the contemporary artwork of southern US artist Nathan John Strother, an artist for 30 years, but only recently turned professional. His favored mediums are acrylics, oils, oil pastels, and soft pastels. His paintings are mostly in an abstract style, with many works featuring biomorphic shapes in bold and vivid colors. Mr. Strother currently resides near Atlanta, Georgia and expects to soon be showing his artwork in galleries in the SE region.
Art on Canvas
Chantal Bietlot Home Page
Personal online gallery of Chantal Bietlot, an interesting abstract painter from Belgium.
Christine Maudy on line gallery
French Australkian visual artist Christine Maudy shows her abstract works in her on line gallery
Christopher Wood - Contemporary Scottish Artist
prehensive gallery-site dedicated to the work of one of Scotland's leading contemporary artists. He can paint the wind and the smell of flowers in a meadow.
Cianelli Studios
Large abstract canvas art inspired by nature, energy, and spirit.
Contemporary Abstract Art - NESAART
NESAART is an Online Contemporary Art Gallery Nebojsa Jovanovic is a Contemporary Abstract Artist living in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. He works primarily in acrylic on canvas somewhere between representational forms and abstract. His work can best be described as contemporary abstract landscape and cityscape painting with extended treatment of textural surfaces. His work is inspired by urban and natural world. The dominant stream of his work is Abstract art of houses that his customers call "Happy houses".
Francesco Boretti artwork
Abstract Expressionist Art turning reality into a vivid blend of colors
Gallery Djupet -Art by Michael U Johansson
My art shall give reflection without an insight into the time surrounding the moment. My art shall invite to a dialogue between the painting and yourself.
Laurie MacMillan Contemporary Abstract Art
Abstract works in acrylic on canvas by Laurie MacMillan, Santa Barbara artist.
Lavrent Vardanyan
Seattle Fractals Digital Art
This website and artwork is based on fractals, a digital art form using mathematical formulas to create images and designs of incredible diversity, detail, color and light. The compostions are created entirely from orginal one-of-a kind formulas by the artist.
The Art of Hasan Fuat Sari
These pages explore the abstract and non-abstract wood-, bronze-, metal- and terracotta sculptures as well as figurative oil paintings by Finnish sculptor and painter Hasan Fuat Sari, a Turkishborn artist living in Scandinavia since 1980...
The Transformational Art of Tomas Karkalas
Archive of the digital abstract paintings created by Lithuanian artist Tomas Karkalas, accompanied by his thoughts.
Abstract and Landscape paintings at great prices, triptych and large scale fine art for home and office
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