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Ahtello Spiritual Art Gallery
Ahtello Spiritual Art Gallery, shows spritual, positive and colorful oil paintings, acrylic paintings and poems, by contemporary spiritual artists.
ArTatoO! - Free Art Galleries
ArTatoO! is a free service without ads, which allows any artist worldwide to create and maintain a personal gallery in real-time with pictures, text, exhibitions, forum, chat, etc.
Bella Belarus
Bella Belarus is an online art gallery that introduces beauty and uniqueness of Belarusian contemporary art and showcases original artworks by famous and emerging artists. Bella Belarus is an open source of information on Belarusian culture and art.
BTDesign Art Gallery
Virtual fine art gallery featuring international artists. Offers permanent and monthly exhibitions of international artists winners of the BTDesign Golden Art Site Award. All featured artists are nominated for the annual art award "The Master". The gallery hosts the official site of Italian master Giuseppe Tampieri. Also offers exclusive e-cards and printable calendars.
Collectics Antiques & Collectibles
Large, eclectic mix of consignment shop, antiques mall, online bookstore, reference & education, and museum featuring Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and Arts & Crafts design.
- - 1st Encounters
Original fantasy, surreal, and SF illustrations by professional writer/artist Duncan Long. Artwork guaranteed to amaze, perplex, and amuse.
Gaillardia Press
Gaillardia Press and Kindred Spirits Online Gallery feature the work of writer, musician, and former journalist, Rahn Adams and artist Timberley Gilliam Adams.
Galerie Verdun, Acrylic and Oil Paintings
Original abstract oil paintings, unique abstract acrylic paintings and fine Greek sculpture by artists Quincy, Leon and Curtis Verdun. Their work is known internationally, published as posters, and sought after by many collectors.
HB-Art Gallery
Virtual Czech Gallery of the Actual Fine Art. Oil paintings, aquarelles, combined techniques and sculptures by the artists living in the Czech Republic.
Joseph Fine Art Gallery
Joseph Fine Art gallery presenting original,contemporary artwork by Marina Zobova and guest artist Janna Semencova
Michael Sloutsker Studio
Michael Sloutsker Studio in Prague. Born in St.Petersburg on April 9th, 1946, Michael Sloutsker was graduated from the internationally renowned St.Petersburg Art Academy. He is a member of the Union of Academic painters of Israel and participated in 28 international art exhibitions. A versatile artist, he prefers the classical oil technique and works primarily in the fields of portrait, still life, landscape.
Mondo Colorado
Mondo Colorado - a virtual gallery of contemporary artists featuring photography, paintings, collages and digital images; EyesWideOpen - visual arts links.
NoBullART Online Art Gallery and Artist Community
NoBullART offers artists a free place to exhibit artwork, offer artwork for sale, gain artwork commissions, browse art, learn, and share ideas.
Original fine art for sale,licensing, publishing
Original, unique art for collectors,licensing, publishing and sale. Oil paintings,Ink and Pastel Drawings. Art for children and everyone who likes colors. Teddy bear portraits for sale, commission, licensing and for publishing.
Photos and Art Gallery
An online gallery of photos and art by founding artists Donna Corless and Modesto Padilla. Art from Europe to the Caribbean. Watch for new artist exhibition opportunities.
Ross Fine Art
A gallery of original fine art painting, printmaking, drawing and ceramics. On line sales and ART AUCTIONS.
Russian Van Gogh Art Gallery
Vladimir Dolgov - Russian Van Gogh. St. Petersburg, Russia. Intellectual expression painter. My virtual art-gallery of actual art contains oil-painting, pastels, watercolours, draws, pictures for interior.
The Art Of Happiness
Looking for ways to be inspired? Find love, happiness and inspiration through our Inspirational art, Inspirational gifts and inspiring articles.
The Collectics Virtual Museum
Online museum displaying art and the decorative arts from the Art Deco, Art Nouveau, and Arts & Crafts periods, and featuring Tiffany, Handel, Pairpoint, Frankart, and Dirk van Erp lamps and lighting.
The Worldwide Art Gallery
All things art site. Art History, Art Directory, Kids' Art Gallery and education resource, free art quiz (win prizes) plus contemporary international and Australian Art.
Virtual Sculpture Gallery - Elizabeth and Jorn
Cast bronze figurative and mythological sculptures by the Irish/Danish artists Elizabeth and Jorn.Living in Hua Hin,Thailand for the past seven years and working together for twelve years their artistic collaboration is based upon shared inspiration and similar aesthetic ideas . Inspiration for their work comes from things as diverse as mythological beings ,ancient artistic artifacts and of course the world around them.Cast in bronze the final sculpture is either coloured with a patina or gilded with gold or silver. Many of their pieces seem to capture the enduring attraction of antiquities that have been caressed by time.They are all limited editions signed and numbered .
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