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Art Center of Estes Park
A not-for-profit Gallery in Estes Park Colorado We represent local and regional artists
Art Projects features art and design projects resources and news.
Artists in Oils - directory of art resources
A web resource directory of web links of interest to artists working in oil media. Links include artists, galleries, museums. Directories are categorized as free, paid, reciprocal. Listings in Artists in Oils directory has full text, photo, location, weblinks at no cost.
Bewegungssprache und Kunst
Sinnenvoll die Sinne nutzen. Traumpfade gehen und Geschenke mitbringen: Skulpturen, Bilder, Gedichte, Lebensfreude.
Free Art Gallery For Portrait Painting Artists
A Free Portrait Painting Artist Gallery / Directory for buyers, sellers and lovers of commissioned art. A resource for art supplies & materials. And, an SEO friendly domain for high ranking. Join fellow portrait painters and artists here to gain more web relevant exposure.
Hungarian Painter Balazs Dioszegi (1914-1999)
This site describes the oeuvre of Hungarian painter Balazs Dioszegi (1914-1999), and contains pictures that are either in public galleries or owned by the artist's daughter.
Inspiration Paintings
We are the best portrait painters in America and Europe. With 25 years of experience, and over 300 highest-quality portraits painted, we re-define perfection. You send us a photo of you, your family, or friends, and we design and paint a portrait for you.
Oil Paintings Gallery
Quality oil paintings on canvas and frames. Landscape art, portraits and custom made. FREE SHIPPING 50% off Retail.
Original Art Paintings for Sale by Carmen Guedez
Original Abstract Art by Carmen Guedez. Floral Art, Landscapes, Geometric, Music and more Modern Paintings for Sale.
Quality Tapestries
Here you will find any wall tapestry you want, whether is is a peacock tapestry, celtic tapestry or just a large tapestry, we'll have it!
The Magical Art of Mara Cárdenas
Magical Art, Fantasy, Inspirational, Spiritual. Oil paintings, acrylics, watercolors. Prints and art gifts.
The Source for Unique Metal Wall Art and Sculpture
Contemporary art studio specializing in large abstract metal wall art by metal artist Brian Jones
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