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Art.Net - Art on the Net
A site helping artists come online to the Internet and WWWeb. Sharing art from the source, the artists themselves.
- - World's Premier Art Portal is the world’s premier art portal, where groups and individuals committed to arts can present their talents and capabilities, find business partners, and discover benefits of the enhanced global exposure.
Capture My Art Assets - Home and Art Inventory System
Capture My Assets™ is a complete system to document your belongings and collections and is used by homeowners & collectors of antiques & more!
Picture Salon Giclee Printing
Giclee printing for artists and photographers. Capable of making prints as wide as 60”! Offering a wide range of fine art papers and canvas. We do not require a minimum order, there are no setup fees and volume discounts are available.
Online database for research on antiques, collectibles, fine and decorative art.
World Art News Blog - World Art News - Snippets of interest to lovers of Art - Irish Art or otherwise - sometimes the ridiculous, the obscure, the unusual or just stuff you might have missed. Updated most days.
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