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Art Display Essentials
Art Display Essentials is a mail order company supplying collectors, galleries, and museums with display stands, easels, risers, bases, hangers, shelves, adjustable holders, accessories, etc. We also have a custom shop for fabricating customized stands.
Art Supplies from Rex
Purchase art supplies on-ine in a secured environment and at great prices. Every art & craft material you need - paints, airbrushes, easels, brushes and more...Orders shipped worldwide within 24 hours.
Henne's Drafting & Art Supply
Fine art supplies for, art classes for adults & children, workshops, area art gallery, art club meetings. Hard to find items, Unison, Old Holland Bruynzeel, Golden. Plotter supplies.
Picture Frames
Polymetaal, graphic arts equipment
Polymetaal is a Dutch manufacturer of graphic arts equipment; etching presses, lithographic presses, relief presses, hotplates, etc. We also supply litho stones, copper plates, zinc plates.
Print More, Spend Less
Print More, Spend Less is where value-minded shoppers find great deals on a huge selection of consumable inkjet, toner, fax & ribbon printing supplies. Choose name brand products or quality compatibles.
Studio Arts Crafts and Gallery
Material for arts, crafts, graphics from Daler Rowney who is one of the main Art suppliers alongside Winsor & Newton, English paint brush specialists Pro Arte, DO Crafts, Conte, Pebeo and many other suppliers such as Staedtler, Rotring, and Faber Castell for graphics and technical drawing equipment.
The Sorg Studio Easel
Offering an artist's studio easel that is unique in its ease of use and features. A counterweighted easel, it places your canvas where you want it instantly with fingertip control.
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