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Art Workshops and Classes - Sedona Arts Center
The Sedona Arts Center would like to invite you to join our Visiting Artist Workshops. These art classes are designed to provide artists with access to teachers who are well-known in their crafts.
Fun and Educational Art Quizzes on all aspects and periods of art and painters. Viewers can participate in the creation of pages. Sites in French and English.
Chateau Painting Holidays France
Come & paint in an inspiring Renaissance chateau in the Dordogne, Southwest of France. Warm welcome for all levels. Friendly, relaxed holiday atmosphere. The course focuses mostly on plein -air, colour & light. Learn to see in a way that helps your painting. Help in developing your personal style. Experienced, qualified workshop leader with established success in painting workshops. Equipped atelier; possibility of renting a paint kit. Convivial banquets & french cuisine.
Free Watercolor Demonstrations
Learn how to paint watercolors with Joe Cartwright
Hall Groat Oil Painting DVD Techniques Video Paint
Learn classical oil painting with American artist, Hall Groat II, through his oil painting dvd series. There are 27 video painting lessons to choose from, covering still life and landscape painting all the way to composition and beginning color theory.
Icon Photography School
Online photography course geared at teaching beginner photographers how to take great photographs.
Learn how to Paint With Watercolors
Mendocino Art Center
A haven for artists, the Mendocino Art Center is a highly regarded artistic and educational institution offering over 200 retreat-style art workshops each year in ceramics, fiber arts, painting, drawing, jewelry and sculpture.
Nita Leland's Exploring Color & Creativity
This site includes useful information on color theory, creativity, design, watercolor, collage, art workshops, art books, studio setup, art links and artist profiles--for creative artists in all media.
Paint Basket Online Art Lessons
Online art lessons and classes in oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel painting, pencil drawing and more.
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