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Artwork By Johanna Uribes
The paintings of Johanna Uribes will take you on a journey to faraway places, decadent desserts and abstract florals. But if you search just a bit deeper into her site, you'll find the mysteriously surreal work she's really known for!
Classical Realism by Lynne Cerro
Paintings rendered in the style of Classical Realism and masterfully detailed in watercolor.
Ellen de Groot
Ellen de Groot paints in the classical tradition, oil on panel. Inspired by the Flemish masters, portraits, realistic paintings and triptyches.
Geoffrey Laurence ~ Official Website
Official website of contemporary realist painter Geoffrey Laurence showing current and previous works, The Holocaust series, resume, drawings for purchase, information on upcoming classes, press book plus latest exhibitions, news and interviews.
GhostWoman Studios: Classic Fine Art Oil Painting
Discover Master, Artist Karen Parker's highly prized, highly collectable works of museum quality art. These paintings are created with skill and sensitivity making them coveted the world over. Specializing in portrait commissions, figurative work and still life oil painting. Karen Parker has been making art for over twenty-five years; creating breathtaking, timeless images. Her work relies on classical masters for a foundation in realistic draftsmanship, accurate use of color and exquisite composition, yet each piece deftly incorporates modern themes and subjects. Her work has won numerous awards and in 1998 the North Carolina Arts Council granted her full funding for her installation work. Her work is found in the homes of Art Professors, noted physicians and NC Superior Court Justices.
Groenenberg, Cor - Photo-realistic Painter
A young Dutch artist presents a selection of his work: photorealistic, highly detailed, sensual acrylic paintings which zoom into the skin of the tactile world. Take a tour through his makes you want to see more!
- - Realism In Many Media
The Art of John D. Harmon consists of a series of Renaissance/Baroque inspired paintings and drawings along with various other figurative, realistic works in a variety of media - including phtotography.
L. Antram Art
Leningrad School Fine Art
1930-1990 Russian and Soviet Oil Paintings from the Leningrad School Artists. Selected works of art from private collections.
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