Artist Name: Gonzalo Endara
Art Title:Untitled
Size (in.):H: 28.00 x W : 40.00 x D : 0
Medium:Acrylic on canvas
For Sale
Gonzalo Endara
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Bucay Ecuadorian painter. He began to become strongly interested in sculpture and folk art from an early age. Their sources of inspiration are forms of the Ecuadorian geography as well, the colorful indigenous crafts. He studied at the Faculty of fine arts of the Central University of Ecuador, and in 1974, when it was still a student, he made his first exhibition, this show would be the successful start of a series of exhibitions at the national and international levels. Since then, he exhibited at best galleries and museums in the country that he received several awards for his work abroad. It is considered also one of the pioneers of the monumental sculpture in the Ecuador. Painting Endara summarizes three styles developed in his narrative pictorial and fantastic. The naif is your starting point. The artist begins to interpret that distant, undoubtedly Andean world through a glance stripped uncritical. He paints a fable with appearance of history. And it does zar'it. The ambiguity of