Artist Name: Engelina Zandstra
Art Title:Colorato 10
Size (in.):H: 40.00 x W : 40.00 x D : 0.80
Medium:Acrylic on canvas
Price: $1,500
Status: For Sale

Colorato 10

Engelina Zandstra

  • Colorato 10

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Additional Notes:
I consider my paintings being like music, they don't need words for explanation. The forms and colours composing it are the language of understanding. Each one tells his own tale, that can be different for each person looking at them.EXHIBITIONS 2009 - Collective Exhibition by Selected Artists from the Netherlands, Budapest, Hungary 2008 - Het Kunstbedrijf, Heemstede 2008 - Stadsdeelhuis Amsterdam-Noord, Amsterdam 2008 - Galerie Oost 99, Hoorn 2008 - Open Atelierroute, Amsterdam-Noord 2003 - Galerie 'de Opsteker', Amsterdam 1999 - Galerie 66, Amsterdam 1999 - Galerie 'de Opsteker', Dorpskerk Durgerdam, Amsterdam 1998 - Art Expo, Amsterdam 1998 - Presentatiecentrum 'Het Slakkenhuis', Soest 1998 - De Badcuyp, Amsterdam 1998 - Galerie 'Tussen de poortjes', Hoorn 1997 - Galerie 'de Opsteker', Amsterdam l996 - Galerie 'A Vue', Maarssen 1996 - CLB (Sanquin), Amsterdam 1996 - Galerie 'Three of a kind', Amsterdam 1995 - Hortus Botanicus, Amsterdam 1995 - Hogeschool Amster