Artist Name: Carlos Viver
Art Title:El Aire
Size (in.):H: 43.12 x W : 31.12 x D : 0
For Sale
El Aire
Carlos Viver
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Additional Notes:
Carlos Viver is a world-renowned Ecuadorian painter who has had a long and fruitful career. As a self-taught artist he has won numerous awards for his achievements in art including: First Place Award in Diogenes Paredes 1973; First Place National Award, Salon De Paris, Quito, 1979; and First Place Award at the Salon Mariano Aquilera, Quito, 1980, among many others. Viver has had 23 solo expositions worldwide, and has participated in 200 collective expositions. Viver’s style has evolved throughout his career much like Matisse or Picasso and as a result he has worked through many movements including neo-figuratism, conceptualism, uglysm, abstraction, and expressionism, among others, on his journey to create his own unique visual language.
Between 2004 and 2005 Viver created a series of paintings entitled, “Erotomanias- Las Ceibas.” “Las Ceibas” is a reference to the tropical Ceiba or Kapok trees which are indigenous to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and Northern South Am