Artist Name: Bram Exter
Art Title:Bhudda-3
Size (in.):H: 31.00 x W : 40.00 x D : 0
Medium:Oil on Canvas
For Sale
Bram Exter
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Additional Notes:
It was back in the 60's inspired by my cousin the artist Jan Hovener that I started to express myself in art.
However in the 60's art didnt put much bread on the table, and so I choose to enter indusrty and became an operator.
Eventually I devoted myself in art. As a result I have now built up a large collection of paintings and drawings. I often sell my work to those who appreciate and value my
Inspiration often comes in the form of a subject or of a photograph.
My first designs are often in pencil or charcoal.
At first I make a base of white oils then build my first design onto that. If I am very inspired, it has been known that I forget everthing and everybody around me and carry
on until the piece is finished. During the summer I enjoy sketching in the countryside. Time has no meaning and I just carry on and on until I am done.
For years I searched for a suitable atelier, however a few years ago we found a new house which satisfied all my needs.
I now pa