Artist Name: Lyuba Zahova
Art Title:Water and fire
Size (in.):H: 30.00 x W : 28.00 x D : 0
Medium:Oil on board
Price: $1,150
Status: For Sale

Water and fire

Lyuba Zahova

  • Water and fire

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Additional Notes:
Lyuba Zahova was born on 27.02.1952 in Shabla, Bulgaria. In 1975 she graduated the fine-art institute in Dupnitsa. Untill 1990 she worked as a fine-art teacher and manager of the fine-art gallery in Shabla, Bulgaria. Since 1980 she is taking part in fine-art exhibitions in Bulgaria. Lyuba Zahova is drawing landscapes, still lives and modern compositions in oil. From 1990 to 1992 she has shown her excellence to the German audience making her first solo exhibition in Germany. Her fine-art works belong to private collections in Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf. In 2005 Lyuba Zahova published her first book “Born near the lighthouse” – poetry and paintings.